The Elements of Persuasion
All chapters include "Chapter Summary," "Questions to Ask Yourself About This Chapter," "Writing Exercise," and "Persuasive Strategies for Student Writers." 1.Grammars of Persuasion. Aristotle's Rhetoric. Saying Makes It So? Speech Acts and Persuasion. Kenneth Burke's Dramatism. Preview of the Following Chapters. 2.Persuasion in the Courtroom: The 1925 Scopes Trial. A "Duel to the Death": Background and Significance of the Scopes Trial. Aristotelian Persuasion in Court. Speech Acts: Intentions and Interpretations. The Dramatistic Bible. 3.Neighborhood Persuasions: Jane Austen and Spike Lee Jane Austen's Persuasion. Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. 4.Selling in the Superbowl. To Please: The Pathos of the Halftime Show. To Move: Commercials and Kairos. To Teach: The Ethos of Graphic Information. 5.Persuasion in the Political Scene: The State of the Union Address. Text of the 1996 State of the Union Address. Review of the Address. Glossary. Index.