StudyoftheCapacity ofa RoadNetworkBasing on theLevelofService

Thispaperpresents a bi-level programming forsolving thecapacity ofaroadnetwork whichconsidering boththelink capacity constraints and thelevel ofservice. Conventional researches ofthe capacity oftheroadnetwork mainly consider thelink capacity constraint, butnevertakeaccount ofthe origin-destination (O-D)travel timewhichthetravelers sufficiently concerned. We construct a bi-level programming model, whichconsidering boththelink capacity constrains andthelevel ofservice fortheroad network whenwe calculated themaximumdemand whichthenetwork cansatisfy. Inthis paper, weadopt the external penalty function approach to solvethe programming inorder toavoid theinitial solution isnot within thescopeofthefeasible domain whenweusing theinternal penalty function process. Finally, this model isapplied toasimple network toverify thedifferent level ofservice thetravelers require, andthedifferent maximumloading capacity theroadnetwork have. This showsthat thetransportation planning should notonly consider theactual allocation ofroadinfrastructure standards, butalsoconsider theimpact oftheactual demandlevel. Onlythesupplies could satisfy theactual traffic demands, andthenitssignificance isoutstanding.