제주해역 항만시설물의 수리환경적 특성에 관한 연구

In order to effective manage the construction, disaster prevention plan and the harbor tranquility control, meteorological and sea-state characteristics around Cheju Island have been analyzed. Using results and damage examples of the port facilities under severe sea conditions, a reasonable construction control plan considering the regional characteristics of the sea-state and winds was proposed. That is, in northern part of Cheju Island, the construction work is affected mainly by the winter storms, while the typhoon mainly affects the southern part port facilities during summer to Autumn. Considering their typical characteristics, it is strongly suggested that the main construction work should be carried out during April to July in the northern part, and it should be made during October to next July in the southern part of the island. A permeable TTP mounded breakwater was constructed to protect severe waves as a temporal structure under the long-term development plan in Sogipo port. The transmission characteristics of the structure was discussed using the experimental results. The results show that the transmission coefficient K t is over 20 % of incident waves, which cause many problems in the cargo handling in relation to harbor tranquility. In conclusion, this kind of permeable structure can be used only as a temporal structure for the disaster prevention under the construction process. It causes many problems in harbor tranquility if it is used as a permanent harbor structures.