Most of the existing Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings in Italy were built according to obsolete regulations that were not enough aware of issues related to seismic design so that they need to be upgraded by pursuing either amelioration or full seismic rehabilitation. In doing that, the first step is to figure out what is, based on the results of the initial analysis of the structure in its ante-operam version, the best overall dissipative mechanism that could be obtained by a number of suitable and economically convenient local interventions. The choice of the overall dissipative mechanism strongly affects the amount of reinforcement to be adopted for the beam-column joints. For new buildings, the current adopted capacity design philosophy pursues an overall beam-sway mechanism in which plastic hinges first form in beams and at last at the base of the columns. On the contrary, for existing ones, often very irregular and gravity-load-dominated, pursuing such overall mechanism may result either uneconomic or even extremely difficult to implement due to the amount of reinforcement to be inserted in the joints. In such cases, an overall dissipative mechanism allowing, at some extent, columns flexural plasticization should be accepted and clearly identified in advance. Anyway, such approach needs to be addressed properly in order to avoid the formation of column-sways at one story only that would result very dangerous due to the excessive demand of plastic rotations on the resulting hinges. This paper presents two simple models that may help the designer in dealing with the operations above. The former is a model that allows to understand if, given the existing RC building case-study, either the beam-sway or a hybrid beam-column-sway mechanism should be conveniently pursued during the design of the retrofitting intervention. The latter is a model that allows to design a hybrid beam-column-sway overall mechanism involving a suitable number of stories such as to guarantee a uniform and reasonable demand of plastic rotations in the involved columns. 2823 Available online at Eccomas Proceedia COMPDYN (2017) 2823-2842 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Eccomas Proceedia. Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of COMPDYN 2017. doi: 10.7712/120117.5609.18106