대규모 아파트 단지내 풍향에 따른 풍환경 평가의 중요성
Large scale building is built innumerably with increase of population because of the fast growth of a city. All kinds of artificial heat release and atmosphere pollutants happened at large scale building outdoor environment is making it worse very much. Evaluation regarding these external environments shall be performed at step of planning of architecture. However, wind environment isn"t evaluated at step of planning of a building. Evaluation of wind environment isn"t the object of an interest after building completion even in most cities. Jeonju city is recommending partially evaluation of wind environment and heat island to large scale building construction. Specially, an examination regarding them is done in case of reconstruction of apartment complexes etc. In this paper, wind environment along wind directions of an apartment complex is interpreted using CFD simulation in Jeonju. A problem of wind environment is presented around apartment complexes in a currently constructive step, and necessity of this evaluation is pres ented at step of planning.