Evaluation: providing better weed awareness outcomes for NSW.

Evaluation of existing programs is essential in order to continue delivering good communication outcomes and consequently good weed management outcomes. But, it is often difficult to admit a program is ‘tired’, has lost effectiveness and there is need for change. In the early 1990s, the NSW Department of Agriculture (NSW DPI) in partnership with NSW weed professionals initiated a State-wide Weed Awareness Program which evolved into the Weedbusters program. For many years these programs achieved significant results and impact in NSW, gaining high profile media coverage and community participation through regional and State Weedbusters events. However, community participation in the NSW Weedbusters program steadily diminished over time. Key stakeholders were no longer engaged in delivering weed awareness activities in their regions and recognition of the Weedbusters brand was low. At the request of key stakeholders, the NSW DPI conducted an evaluation of the program in February 2007. During this process feedback and input was sought from local government, Catchment Management Authorities, past NSW Weedbusters Coordinators and NSW DPI staff. The evaluation objectively reviewed the past weed awareness efforts in NSW, identified the positives, identified the current constraints of the Weedbusters program and most importantly, defined the expectations of weed professionals for any future weed awareness programs. The group surveyed indicated that: • Weed activities would be done regardless of Weedbusters Week Evaluation: providing better weed awareness outcomes for NSW