Forecast for U.S. Agriculture Holds Hope, Some Dangers: Attendees of symposium on future of agriculture consider the biotechnology revolution, organic farming techniques, and global food problems

With the year 2000 casting its shadows from around time's corner, millennialism is moving quickly into vogue. Not only are astrologers and palmists busier than ever, but also the world of science is offering its own mixture of dark and wondrous forecasts. The American Chemical Society's Middle Atlantic Region kicked off its own contribution to year 2000 soothsaying with a symposium earlier this month on the future of agriculture from now till then. From the views of participants, the journey ahead presents considerable dips and curves on the American land. Some pearls of foresight that emerged in presentations and during breaks: • Human nutrition studies, neglected for decades, are due for a strong resurgence as the health and fitness trend accelerates and as studies point out the strong relationship between empty calories and chronic diseases. • World food problems will remain severe, especially in Africa and Latin America, where agriculture has been scandalously neglected. • ...