Sao Paulo, Brazil Morta l i ty in acute myocardia l infarction has decreased in the past few years. According to several reports, it now ranges f rom 13% to 25% in pat ients admi t t ed to coronary care uni ts . 1 , 2 Such reduct ion is pr imari ly d u e to the wide use of hemodynamic monitor ing, 1 the prevent ion a n d effective therapy of l i fe-threatening a r rhy thmias , 3 the use of vasodilators to overcome p u m p failure, the clinical application of assisted circulatory devices, a n d the judicious use of surgical intervention. Recent experiences also suggest tha t t he knowledge of coronary a n a t o m y dur ing acute myocardia l infarctions m a y be an impor tan t asset in mak ing appropr ia te therapeut ic decisions. , 7 Usually coronary ar ter iography is indicated in acute myocardial infarct ion when there is refractory p u m p failure or persistent chest pain. However, at our inst i tut ion, we have incorpora ted coronary angiography as a rout ine test for all pat ients with acute myocardial infarct ion before discharge f rom the hospital. In 315 of 410 pat ients admi t t ed to the Inst i tuto D a n t e Pazzanese de Cardiologia, Sao Paulo, for t rea tment of acute myocardia l infarction, cine coronary ar ter iography a n d left ventr iculography were performed an average of 12 days (range, 10 hours to 25 days) af ter onset of symptoms without any
W. Parmley,et al.
Hemodynamic and Metabolic Responses to Vasodilator Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction
C. Sanders,et al.
Mechanical Circulatory Assistance: Current Status and Experience with Combining Circulatory Assistance, Emergency Coronary Angiography, and Acute Myocardial Revascularization
N. Brooks,et al.
Antiarrhythmic prophylaxis in acute myocardial infarction.
The New England journal of medicine.
H. Falsetti,et al.
Surgery for acute myocardial infarction.
The Annals of thoracic surgery.
T. Killip,et al.
Treatment of myocardial infarction in a coronary care unit. A two year experience with 250 patients.
The American journal of cardiology.