SmartSantander: Experimentation and service provision in the smart city

This paper describes the deployment and high-level architecture of the Internet of Things experimentation facility being deployed at Santander city. SmartSantander is a unique in the world city-scale experimental research facility in support of typical applications and services for a smart city. The testbed that has been deployed has a dual purpose. On the one hand it will allow real-world experimentation on Internet-of-Things related technologies (protocols, middlewares, applications, etc.). On the other hand it is currently supporting the provision of smart city services aimed at enhancing the quality of life in the city of Santander. Tangible results are expected to greatly influence definition and specification of Future Internet architecture design from viewpoints of Internet of Things and Internet of Services. This paper presents the physical deployment carried out in the city of Santander and the high-level architecture supporting the experimentation and service provision duality. Moreover, a brief description of the mechanisms supporting the experimentation life cycle will be done. Finally, the services that are being provided to the city will also be sketched.