Productivity and injectivity of horizontal wells. [Quarterly report], March 10, 1993--June 30, 1993

This project has been set up for the purpose of developing advanced performance prediction methods for horizontal wells (HWs) in heterogeneous reservoirs. The stimulus for this project arises from the fact that HWs are now being drilled in large numbers (e.g., over 900 HWs in 1992) and their benefits have provided the one example of an advanced oil recovery technique which is proving to be a general economic attraction. While the drilling techniques and completion practice have made great advances in the last 5 years, the position on reservoir engineering attributes and optimization of reservoir performance lags behind the other technical areas. This project has eight major objectives, of which in year one the following three tasks are involved: modeling horizontal wells; reservoir characterization; and experimental planning and interpretation. Technical progress of these tasks are presented.