Using Conceptual Models to Facilitate Conceptual Change: The Case of Weight-Density Differentiation

We report on two studies that assess to what extent sixth and seventh graders (a) did not differentiate between weight and density as quantities at the time of the preinterview and (b) made conceptual changes after participating in a curriculum on weight and density that uses computer-based conceptual models and simulations. In Study 1, 18 sixth graders received individual clinical interviews to assess their understanding of the density of materials and their ability to use a concept of density to understand flotation, immediately before and after they worked through an eight-lesson curriculum unit on those topics. In Study 2, 12 sixth graders and 10 seventh graders received individual clinical interviews before and after their classes worked through a more extensive 16-lesson curriculum on these topics and on the topic of changes in density with thermal expansion. In both studies, we found that the majority of students failed to differentiate consistently between weight and density at the time of the pre...

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