Computer Simulations of the Abrams Live-Fire Field Testing

Abstract : Over the years the vulnerability community has developed an array of computer models to predict munition/target interactions. These models range in complexity from the so-called Compartment Model, in which interior behind-armor debris damage is treated by lumped parameters, to the highly detailed Point- Burst (or Component-Code) models in which these effects are assessed explicitly. Unfortunately neither type can provide truly useful modeling support for Live- Fire Testing. The fundamental difficulty here is that both types provide first- moment or expected-value estimates of vulnerability, whereas combat damage can be highly stochastic. Single-shot (unreplicated) Live-Fire test results are single realizations of many possible and varied outcomes. To compare first- moment values on a shot-by-shot basis with single test samples can be a meaningless exercise. Behind-armor debris, Compartment model, Armor, Criticality analysis, Live-fire testing, Ballistics, Point-burst modeling.