Distributed Mosaic-based Organizations

The chapter relates to advanced management of large distributed dynamic systems in unpredictable and crisis situations. It briefs the DARPA Mosaic Warfare concept and shows its possible expression under SGT together with exemplary solutions for such tasks as grouping of scattered elements into more powerful forces with unified control, and observation and elimination of dangerous elements by collective operation of causal forces around them. Of practical importance may be mosaics-related approaches using massive robotics. It is shown in SGL how easy to assemble teams of UCAVs for intelligent swarming, self-restructuring and observing territory with collection, distribution and impacting of targets discovered. Another SGL scenario organizes automatic fight of aerial swarm with other group/swarm, autonomously and without external control. It is also shown how broken into pieces platoon of unmanned vehicles, due to situations on roads, is self-recomposing into normal platoon chain again, with vehicles symbolically considered as mosaic tiles.