Flies and Disease, Vol. 1: Ecology, Classification and Biotic Associations
Abstract : The volume, providing basic information on the ecology, classification, and biotic associations of synanthropic flies, deals, on a worldwide basis, with more than 350 species of flies in 28 families. It includes original surveys in a thorough treatment of the habits and distribution of many Palearctic and cosmopolitan species. The author discards the earlier view that fly-borne diseases involve only approximately one dozen flies; he shows, instead, how diverse habitats and living patterns produce diverse transmission cycles. The work summarizes the breeding, anthropophilic, and similar relevant habits of about 100 medically important flies in various regions of the world. It includes tabular keys to 200 species of adults and 78 species of larvae, as well as additional keys to important Musca species and to the synanthropic Drosophila. Over 200 original, diagnostic drawings and 15 full-color plates aid the author's explication. Extensive lists of biotic associations, associate more than 340 flies are associated with over 750 other organisms, ranging from viruses through bacteria, fungi, and protozoa to helminths, arthropods, birds, and mammals.