Community policing : rhetoric or reality

Preface The Context of Community Policing From Political Reform to Community: The Evolving Strategy of Police by George L. Kelling and Mark H. Moore Community Policing As a Drama of Control by Peter K. Manning Community Policing As Reform: A Cautionary Tale by Stephen D. Mastrofski Community Policing Programs and Their Impact The Development of the Community Patrol Officer Program: Community-Oriented Policing in the New York City Police Department by Michael J. Farrell Enacting the CPO Role: Findings from the New York City Pilot Program in Community Policing by David Weisburd and Jerome McElroy The Benefits of Community Policing: Evidence and Conjecture by Mary Ann Wycoff Developing a Neighborhood-Oriented Policing Style by Timothy Oettmeier and Lee P. Brown A Problem-Oriented Approach to Community-Oriented Policing by Gary Cordner Community Policing: Rhetoric or Reality? by Molly Weatheritt The Development, Impact and Implications of Community Policing in Canada by Chris Murphy The Prospects of Community Policing Community-Based Policing and Foot Patrol: Issues of Theory and Evaluation by Jack R. Greene and Ralph B. Taylor Community Policing: A Report From the Devil's Advocate by David H. Bayley The Rhetoric of Community Policing by Carl B. Klockars Bibliography Index