Integrated Wilkinson Power Dividers in C-, Ku- and Ka-Band in Multi-Layer Thin-Film MCM-D

We report on the design and measurement of Wilkinson splitters in C-, Ku-and Ka-band in multi-layer thin film MCM-D. The designs have been performed using a full CPW design library offering automated layout. An excellent agreement between the measured and simulated S-parameters has been obtained indicating the high accuracy of the implemented transmissionline-, resistor-and discontinuitymodels. For the 7 GHz Wilkinsons, 6 design approaches have been compared and realized: a fully distributed design, a meandered design using a capacitively loaded transmission line, a design with high impedance lines and capacitive compensation at the ends and 3 lumped element designs with an increasing degree of compaction. The fully distributed design has the best performance (isolation better than ¿25 dB, return loss better than ¿20 dB with an insertion loss of ¿3.33 dB over the 6.5-7.6 GHz band) and is the most wideband but consumes the largest area. Distributed 14 GHz and 30 GHz designs have also been made with very good accuracy and performance.