Application and use of WINISIS and GENISISWEB in creating digital document archives in management sciences: a case study

The present study deals with the creation of digital document archives of B.N. Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences (BIMS) Library, University of Mysore, Mysore. A UNESCO based WINISIS and GenIsisWeb soft ware is used for this purpose. The source of data is the soft copy of the project reports submitted by the students of BIMS. These projects are stored/archived in the computer of the library and bibliographic data of those project reports was created using WinIsis. Later on a searchable archive of full text project report with a web-based front-end/html homepage using GenIsisWeb software was prepared. This lead to making the data of WINISIS web compliant. The main objective of the study is to create a functional data base of BIMS library. The second purpose is to enable others to look at this data base as a self-instructional guide to convert WinIsis archive into GenIsisWeb.