A Browser for Large Knowledge Bases Based on a Hybrid Distributed/Local Connectionist Architecture

A browser concept based on a connectionist architecture is presented. The concept utilizes both distributed and local representations. A proof-of-concept system is implemented for an integrally developed, Honeywell-proprietary knowledge acquisition tool. In the browser, concepts and relations in a knowledge base are represented using microfeatures. The microfeatures can encode semantic attributes, structural features, contextual information, etc. Desired portions of the knowledge base can then be associatively retrieved based on a structured cue. An ordered list of partial matches is presented to the user for selection. Microfeatures can also be used as bookmarks-they can be placed dynamically at appropriate points in the knowledge base and subsequently used as retrieval cues. The browser concept can be applied wherever there is a need for conveniently inspecting and manipulating structured information. >

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