The Environmental Value Systems Analysis - Research Report for 2002

The Environmental Value Systems Analysis – Research Report for 2002 Nikhil Krishnan and Uday Ayyagari Sponsored by NSF/SRC and Applied Materials 1. The EnV-S Analysis Equipment and semiconductor manufacturers need a tool for the quantitative evaluation and comparison of tool centric environmental solutions. The Environmental Value Systems (EnV-S) Analysis was developed at UC Berkeley in collaboration with Applied Materials to address this need. The EnV-S Analysis Framework appears in Figure 1. The blueprint for the EnV-S analysis is catered towards addressing the needs of manufacturers and suppliers and overcoming the challenges therein. Some of the salient features of the EnV-S are listed in section 1.1. 1.1 EnV-S Model Blueprint a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Focus the model on the process tool and the support equipment. Ensure the model output is in terms of important business metrics such as CoO. Factor in all controllable variables that significantly affect the key outputs. Provide sensitivity analysis for those controllable variables. Enable “what-if” comparisons between various solutions. Make the tool suitable for the casual user (i.e., user-friendly). Use industry norms for cost/performance parameters (e.g., UPW costs) Make the tool readily available and, if possible, an industry standard. Design Characterization Layer System Sequencing Layer Process Modeling Layer Figure 1. The EnV-S Framework. 2. Significant Accomplishments (Year 2002) a. The environmental value systems analysis (EnV-S) methodology has been applied to low-K dielectric materials and processes, including both spin-casting and plasma- enhanced CVD approaches. Low-K dielectrics will have a pervasive influence on the technology for years to come, and they raise critical issues for ESH. In addition there has been continuing work on CMP, PFC abatement, and human health issues.