On comparing process assessment results: BOOTSTRAP and CMM
Software process assessment approaches, models, methods and methodologies have gained much attention in both MIS and SE recently. Perhaps the most well-known approach is CMM (Capability Maturity Model) which has been developed by SEI (Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh). One of the more well-known European assessment approaches is called BOOTSTRAP. The Bootstrap approach includes both the CMM and the ISO 9000 standard as its starting point. These Bootstrap origins are explained and discussed. The Bootstrap and the SEI maturity questionnaires are compared using the Conte et al's [8] meta-metrics as criteria. Comparability of Bootstrap assessment results with SEI results has been examined using the empirical material collected from the software process assessments made in Europe during 1991-1993 under auspices of the ESPRIT/ Bootstrap project. Finally, the future of software process assessment approaches is considered. The conclusion is that the two questionnaires and algorithms are not directly comparable at the moment, but the Bootstrap method with its more holistic approach is more suitable than the SEI approach for assessing software producing units that are not subcontractors of the DoD.