Cloud computing is an IT paradigm that aggregates computing resources across data centres in different location for use at a cost to cloud consumers. Cloud providers are making software application available on their platform for cloud users, making access possible anytime anywhere on a platform. Cloud providers also allow user to leverage on their operating systems to design and develop applications. In both instances mentioned, users have no control of the cloud providers’ operating system, but they can always run applications at affordable cost. Infrastructure is also available in terms of storage. Storing large volumes of data makes the cloud amenable to e-governance. E- governance deals with online services made available to its people by a government. Government is involved with several ministries, department and agencies generating information and also requiring information themselves. The aim of this paper is to discuss the convergence of cloud computing and e-governance. It examines the utilization and benefits of e-governance on the cloud. It also discusses current issues and prospects of cloud e-government. The paper is an explorative work that examines qualitatively trends in e-governance and cloud computing. As a result, the paper therefore recommends that local, state and the federal government take advantages of the huge benefits of cloud computing to improve service delivery and government activities.