Basic features of the upgraded S18 neutron interferometer set-up at ILL

Abstract The perfect crystal interferometer instrument S18 at the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble has been upgraded to allow more advanced neutron optics experiments for fundamental, nuclear and condensed matter physics. The new supermirror guide together with the multipurpose monochromator provides considerably higher intensities in a wide wavelength region. The optimal use of neutrons is obtained by a nondispersive arrangement of the monochromator and the interferometer crystals. This also allows to obtain completely polarised beams using permanent magnetic prism deflection. An additional third analyzer axis permits novel postselection experiments concerning momentum distribution and polarisation analysis of the interfering beams. Several types of large perfect crystal interferometers are available for different applications. The system can be configured as an advanced high-resolution Bonse–Hart small angle scattering camera. The results of various test measurements concerning intensities, interference contrast, long-term stability, the accessible wavelength range and the basic features as a SANS camera will be presented. Various proposals for experiments will be discussed as well.