The Genome Sequence of the SARS-Associated Coronavirus

We sequenced the 29,751-base genome of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)–associated coronavirus known as the Tor2 isolate. The genome sequence reveals that this coronavirus is only moderately related to other known coronaviruses, including two human coronaviruses, HCoV-OC43 and HCoV-229E. Phylogenetic analysis of the predicted viral proteins indicates that the virus does not closely resemble any of the three previously known groups of coronaviruses. The genome sequence will aid in the diagnosis of SARS virus infection in humans and potential animal hosts (using polymerase chain reaction and immunological tests), in the development of antivirals (including neutralizing antibodies), and in the identification of putative epitopes for vaccine development.

Obi L. Griffith | Jacqueline E. Schein | Marco A. Marra | Stephen B. Montgomery | Angela Brooks-Wilson | Mel Krajden | Adrienne Meyers | Heinz Feldmann | Robert C. Brunham | Rachel L. Roper | Amin Kabani | A. Gordon Robertson | Yaron S. N. Butterfield | Robert A. Holt | Anton Andonov | Timothy F. Booth | Kathy Bernard | Alison Cloutier | Yan Li | O. Griffith | J. Schein | M. Marra | M. Drebot | H. Artsob | S. Montgomery | R. Brunham | Y. Butterfield | A. Petrescu | D. Smailus | J. Stott | Steven J. M. Jones | R. Holt | A. G. Robertson | J. Khattra | Susanna Y. Chan | A. Brooks-Wilson | H. McDonald | Michael Mayo | D. Skowronski | H. Feldmann | C. Upton | N. Bastien | J. Asano | Noreen Girn | P. Pandoh | George S. Yang | S. Tyler | T. Booth | A. Meyers | A. Andonov | C. Astell | Lisa Fernando | Alison Cloutier | M. Petric | S. Coughlin | A. Kabani | Sarah A. Barber | K. Bernard | Doug Freeman | Francis A. Plummer | R. L. Roper | G. Tipples | Harvey Artsob | Michael Drebot | Noreen Girn | A. Grolla | M. Gray | M. Krajden | Ramon Flick | Susan Normand | Shaun Tyler | Graham A. Tipples | Duane E. Smailus | Jaswinder Khattra | Helen McDonald | Michael Mayo | Nathalie Bastien | Asim Siddiqui | Chris Upton | Allen Grolla | Yan Li | Caroline R. Astell | Jennifer K. Asano | Shaun M. Coughlin | Doug Freeman | Stephen R. Leach | Pawan K. Pandoh | Anca S. Petrescu | Asim Siddiqui | Jeff M. Stott | Francis Plummer | Donnie Bowness | Martin Czub | Lisa Fernando | Michael Garbutt | Michael Gray | Steven Jones | Ute Stroher | Robert Vogrig | Diane Ward | Brynn Watson | Martin Petric | Danuta M. Skowronski | S. Leach | D. Ward | R. Flick | M. Garbutt | Ute Stroher | Steven Jones | Donnie Bowness | M. Czub | Susan Normand | Robert Vogrig | Brynn Watson | A. Cloutier | Michael Gray | A. G. Robertson

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