A Novel High Performance List Scheduling Algorithm for Distributed Heterogeneous Computing Systems
Efficient Directed Acyclic Graph(DAG) scheduling is critical for achieving high performance in Distributed Heterogeneous computing System(DHCS). In this paper, we present a new high-performance scheduling algorithm, called the LCFT(Levelized Critical First Task) algorithm, for DHCS. The LCFT algorithm is a list-based scheduling that uses a new attribute to efficiently select tasks for scheduling in DHCS. The complexity of LCFT is . The performance of the algorithm has been observed by its application to some practical DAGs, and by comparing it with other existing scheduling algorithms such as PETS, HPS, HCPT and GCA in terms of the schedule length and SpeedUp. The comparison studies show that LCFT significantly outperforms PETS, HPS, HCPT and GCA in schedule length, SpeedUp.