Frequency-Wavelength Trapping by Integrated Ring Resonators For Secured Network and Communication Systems

Optical pulse trapping via a series of microring resonator (MRR) is presented. Large bandwidth of optical soliton is generated by input pulse propagating within the MRRs. Distinguished discrete wavelength or frequency pulses can be generated by using localized spatial pulses via a networks communication system. Quantum codes can be generated by using a polarization control unit and a beam splitter, incorporating to the MRRs. Here frequency band of 10.7 MHz and 16 MHz and wavelengths of 206.9 nm, 1448 nm, 2169 nm and 2489 nm are localized and obtained and used for quantum codes generation applicable for secured networks communication. KeywordsMicroring Resonator (MRR); Discrete Optical Soliton, Quantum Codes, Computer networks system