Abstract : Introduction or background: This report represents Task 2 of the work stream ?Research Using in Vivo Simulation of Meta-Organizational Shared Decision Making (SDM)?, one component of the Technology Innovation Fund (TIF) program on Meta-organizational Collaboration that has been designed to assist in understanding challenges faced by the Canadian Forces (CF). The objective of the stream is to conduct basic research into shared decision making through the analysis of case studies, exercises and simulations. Method: This task2 involved the development of an experimental plan to simulate an in vivo decision making environment of emergency management operations and to collect data on the problem solving processes and outcomes of participants in the simulation. Results and Discussion: Based on the Model for Inter-organizational Problem Solving developed in Task 1, the experimental plan presents several research questions related to the impact that intra-organizational environment has on the ability to problem solve collaboratively, and, to the impact that collaboration has on improving problem solving outcomes and processes. The plan outlines two research components: 1) Qualitative analyses to identify features and cognitive structures/patterns that guide decisions about extreme events; 2) In vivo simulation of a complex event using a mix of organization types and participants.