Biosafety: Problems and Prospects *

Advances in modern biotechnology arc being in creasingly applied to product development for improved hcalthcarc. agricultural outputs and environ ment. The biotechnology industry has become a multi-bi lli on dollar industry. The extensive usc of recombinant DNA (rONA ) tec hnology in industry, oft en enta il s relea se of genetically mod ified organisms (GMOs) int o th e environment. There is a global concern that un controlled release of GMOs may bring about adverse effects on environment. and hea lth of humans and animals. There is a strong support among nations that internationally binding biosafcty regulations arc needed for orderly app lication of biotechnology that ensu re s sa fety to health and env iro nment. The nati onal and international initi atives towards th is goa l have been ou tlin ed, discussed and th e ne ed for capacity strengt hen in g of developing countries. in this are a. arc emphasized.