Mu2e Conceptual Design Report

Author(s): Project, The Mu2e; Collaboration; Abrams, RJ; Alezander, D; Ambrosio, G; Andreev, N; Ankenbrandt, CM; Asner, DM; Arnold, D; Artikov, A; Barnes, E; Bartoszek, L; Bernstein, RH; Biery, K; Biliyar, V; Bonicalzi, R; Bossert, R; Bowden, M; Brandt, J; Brown, DN; Budagov, J; Buehler, M; Burov, A; Carcagno, R; Carey, RM; Carosi, R; Cascella, M; Cauz, D; Cervelli, F; Chandra, A; Chang, JK; Cheng, C; Ciambrone, P; Coleman, RN; Cooper, M; Corcoran, MC; Cordelli, M; Davydov, Y; Gouvea, AL de; Lorenzis, L De; Debevec, PT; DeJongh, F; Densham, C; Deuerling, G; Dey, J; Falco, S Di; Dixon, S; Djilkibaev, R; Drendel, B; Dukes, EC; Dychkant, A; Echenard, B; Ehrlich, R; Evans, N; Evbota, D; Fang, I; Fast, JE; Feher, S; Fischler, M; Frank, M; Frlez, E; Fung, SS; Gallo, G; Galucci, G; Gaponenko, A; Genser, K; Giovannella, S; Glagolev, V; Glenzinski, D; Gnani, D; Goadhouse, S; Gollin, GD; Grace, C; Grancagnolo, F; Group, C; Hanson, J; Hanson, S; Happacher, F; Heckmaier, E; Hedin, D; Hertzog, DW; Hirosky, R; Hitlin, DG; Ho, E; Huang, X | Abstract: Mu2e at Fermilab will search for charged lepton flavor violation via the coherent conversion process mu- N --g e- N with a sensitivity approximately four orders of magnitude better than the current world's best limits for this process. The experiment's sensitivity offers discovery potential over a wide array of new physics models and probes mass scales well beyond the reach of the LHC. We describe herein the conceptual design of the proposed Mu2e experiment. This document was created in partial fulfillment of the requirements necessary to obtain DOE CD-1 approval, which was granted July 11, 2012.

A. Artikov | J. Budagov | R. Carosi | D. Cauz | M. Cordelli | K. Genser | V. Glagolev | D. Glenzinski | F. Happacher | S. Oh | G. Pauletta | G. Piacentino | L. Ristori | V. Rusu | G. Zavarise | R. Yamada | L. Lorenzis | M. Buehler | C. Grace | M. Cascella | A. Gaponenko | V. Polychronakos | A. Yurkewicz | H. V. D. Lippe | F. Dejongh | G. Gallo | M. Frank | S. Goadhouse | R. Hirosky | D. Asner | A. Chandra | D. Hedin | P. Kasper | R. Zhu | J. Orduna | P. Rubinov | L. Michelotti | A. Simonenko | I. Suslov | K. Krempetz | G. Tassielli | D. Neuffer | J. Theilacker | E. Huedem | R. Carcagno | G. V. Zandbergen | T. Lackowski | T. Peterson | G. Gollin | M. Tartaglia | S. Nagaitsev | C. Densham | R. Jedziniak | A. Dychkant | M. Woodward | V. Kashikhin | A. Klebaner | R. Tschirhart | R. Kutschke | J. Niehoff | J. Tompkins | C. Vannini | R. Johnson | S. Miscetti | K. Biery | C. Lindenmeyer | R. Rechenmacher | J. Kowalkowski | G. Venanzoni | J. Fast | J. Walder | S. Feher | A. Maffezzoli | P. Shanahan | P. Kammel | F. Porter | W. Marciano | P. Ciambrone | B. Ponzio | M. Bowden | R. Djilkibaev | B. Echenard | R. Bernstein | M. Lamm | D. Gnani | A. Saputi | L. Bartoszek | K. Yarritu | G. Deuerling | J. Dey | S. Dixon | E. Dukes | R. Ehrlich | I. Kourbanis | Y. Oksuzian | A. Pla-Dalmau | R. Ray | Y. Kolomensky | D. Hitlin | D. Brown | C. Cheng | M. Larwill | K. Kumar | M. Fischler | G. Ambrosio | B. Roberts | A. Lucà | A. Mukherjee | P. Yamin | C. Yoshikawa | S. Kahn | J. Kozminski | R. Kwarciany | M. Lee | S. Giovannella | M. Martini | V. Pronskikh | V. Kashikhin | G. Onorato | N. Andreev | R. Bossert | D. Orris | C. Sylvester | I. Sarra | J. Miller | Y. Davydov | T. Roberts | K. Yonehara | W. Jaskierny | M. Popovic | S. Werkema | T. Page | B. Drendel | J. Morgan | V. Nagaslaev | J. Chang | J. Odell | R. Carey | D. Kawall | G. Pileggi | F. Cervelli | W. Molzon | S. Falco | M. Cooper | E. Hungerford | T. Ito | E. Barnes | E. Heckmaier | T. I. Kang | G. Lim | Z. You | D. Arnold | J. Brandt | R. Coleman | D. Evbota | C. Johnstone | V. Logashenko | M. Lopes | R. Ostojić | P. Prieto | R. Rabehl | R. Rivera | Z. Tang | R. Wagner | H. White | R. Wielgos | K. Lau | F. Grancagnolo | A. L'Erario | S. Rella | V. Matushko | C. Ankenbrandt | V. Khalatian | A. Gouvea | E. Ho | D. Hertzog | K. Lynch | J. Popp | The Mu2e Project | Collaboration R. J. Abrams | D. Alezander | V. Biliyar | R. Bonicalzi | A. Burov | M. Corcoran | P. Debevec | N. Evans | I. Fang | E. Frlež | S. Fung | G. Galucci | C. Group | J. Hanson | S. Hanson | X. Huang | P. Q. Hung | J. Johnstone | M. Kim | D. Kocen | T. Leveling | T. Lontadze | T. Ma | W. Masayoshi | M. McAteer | R. McCrady | A. Moccoli | T. Nicol | A. J. Norman | B. Norris | K. Paschke | D. Počanić | C. Polly | E. Presbys | F. Puccinelli | J. Ramsey | Y. Smertzidis | J. Steward | V. Tereshchenko | R. Walton | S. Wands | S. Wang | G. Warren | L. S. Wood | J. Wu | M. Xiao | G. Yu | V. Kashikhin | A. L’Erario | C. Cheng | A. Norman | A. D. Gouvea | A. Luca

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