OnGesture Recognition forHuman-Robot Symbiosis
gestures forhumanmachineinteraction. One is This paperpresntsviionasgloved basedapproach [1] thatrequires wearing of reoitionsyste an-robotbisisthe cumbersome contact devices andgenerally carrying a recognitionsystem isb d onvsumalnfoorati f t The f loadofcables that connect thedevice toacomputer. gestuemis reognion by connectedcontentac Another approach isvisionbasedtechnique that does gestres ecogitio by onneted ompoent notrequire wearing anyofcontact devices with analysis oftheskin color segmentation ofimages in ntrqiewaigaymfcnatdvcswt HnalysVsoftheskin color mdla PC bsedmenpatten-imathing humanbody part, butusesasetofvideo camerasand HSV color modelandPCAbasedpattemn-matching strategies. Ongesture recognition, therobot isbeingcomputer visiontechniques tointerpret gestures. instructed t p Gesture recognition based on vision technology has insrucedoprfoncrtan tsksbyssung beenemerging withtherapid development of commands. Thesystem hasbeendemonstrated with theimplementation ofthealgorithm tointeract witha computer hardware ofvisionsystem inrecent years robot named, AIBO-MINforhuman-robot symbiotic andinfuture itwilldominate inHuman-Computer relationship. andHuman-Robot Interactions. Thegestures are modeledbyrelating theappearance ofanygesture to Keywos Athe appearance ofthesetofpredefined, template