Keynote Talk: Mining the Web 2.0 for Improved Image Search (the talk was given by Roelof van Zwol, the proceedings list Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates as the only author)

There are several semantic sources that can be found in the Web that are either explicit, e.g. Wikipedia, or implicit, e.g. derived from Web usage data. Most of them are related to user generated content (UGC) or what is called today the Web 2.0. In this talk we show how to use these sources of evidence in Flickr, such as tags, visual annotations or clicks, which represent the the wisdom of crowds behind UGC, to improve image search. These results are the work of the multimedia retrieval team at Yahoo! Research Barcelona and they are already being used in Yahoo! image search. This work is part of a larger effort to produce a virtuous data feedback circuit based on the right combination many different technologies to leverage the Web itself.