A model for developing j2ee applications based on design patterns

Nowadays the Internet has become a suitable environment for the new business models, by means of which companies can reach the new open market world-widely. However, adapting the traditional application architectures is not enough in order to take advantage of this environment in effective ways. On the contrary, it is necessary to develop new approaches so as to reach the environment’s full potential, as in the case of the “distributed software components on n-tier architectures” model. Due to its complexity, this model requires technological platforms –like J2EE– in order to support the development of such applications. In spite of the power that the J2EE platform provides, some organizations refuse to develop applications under this platform because it requires a deep knowledge of the J2EE technology and its design patterns. In this article we propose a model based on the Model-ViewController paradigm and built over the integration of open source frameworks (StrutsEJB-Cocoon-Struts) which are used by a wide community but have not been managed as a global solution. This model and its underlying integrated framework jointly offer a powerful workbench that reduces the complexity associated with the development of J2EE applications.