Unsupervised Manifold-Preserving and Weakly Redundant Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Imagery

Hyperspectral band selection is of great value to alleviate the curse of dimensionality. For many band selection methods, however, the neglect of bandwise usefulness tends to result in the loss of valuable bands, but the retention of useless ones; consequently, this causes deterioration of the classification performance. In this sense, bandwise significance should be emphasized. To address this issue, this article proposes a manifold-preserving and weakly redundant (MPWR) unsupervised band selection method. In the method, a manifold-preserving band-importance metric is put forward to measure the bandwise essentiality. This ensures the retention of bands involving abundant intrinsic structures conductive to classification. Specifically, aimed at obtaining the presented band-importance metric, an attainment algorithm is presented, which mainly relies on the embedding learning and linear regression, followed by the introduction of multi-normalization combination. In addition, concerning the massive redundancy caused by the highly correlated bands, MPWR further establishes a constrained band-weight optimization model. Then, both bandwise manifold-preserving capability and intraband correlation are fully integrated into the band selection process. To solve the problem, a corresponding algorithm within the framework of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is also developed. Regarding evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed method, comparative experiments with the state-of-the-art methods are conducted on three public hyperspectral data sets. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority and robustness of MPWR.

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