Demographic factors in opiate addiction among Mexican-Americans.

V ARIOUS empirical studies have established the neceissity for considering sex, race, culture, and the geographic region of residence when describing any population of addicts. Bates (1) and Chambers and associates (2) have provided des-criptions of Negro addicts. Ball (3), Ball and Snarr (4), and Ball and Pabon (5) have described Puerto Rican addicts. Ball and Lau (6) provided a description of the Chinese addict. Southern white addicts have been the subject of extensive inquiry by O'Donnell (7-9) and O'Donnell and associates (10). Glaser (11) and (Chambers and associates (12) have described female addicts, while Ball and associates (13) and Ellingwood and associates (14) have compared male addicts with female. Noticeably ab,sent, however, is any definitive description of the Mexican-American opiate addict.