Effectiveness of the designed safety education programme modules by their implementation in selected industries

Abstract Various and diverse industrial safety areas were identified and grouped as under: general areas of safety, Special areas of safety and industry specific areas of safety. General areas of safety are common to all industries and special areas of safety are relevant only if the selected industry has such nature of work or hazard and whereas the industry specific areas of safety refers to process safety of the industry. Three separate modules were prepared along with contents. For conduction of the programme, the selected industry must be studied and the designed safety education programme modules have to be adapted by leaving irrelevant areas in special and industry specific areas of the designed safety modules. The implementation of safety education programme was carried out at Bharath Heavy Electricals Ltd, Trichy and Southern Railway workshop, Trichy, by adapting the designed modules to suit these industries as mentioned above. Effectiveness is measured by the increase in safety awareness of the selected industrial workers (sample), who had already undergone such programmes with short falls conducted within the industry itself. Research Tool was prepared based on the contents of the adapted safety education modules and pre-test and post-test were conducted, data collected and analysed. The results were statistically significant as confirmed by t -test analyses.