LINCAP MDB에서 MADYMO Scaling 방법을 이용한 탑승객 상해 Correlation
The lateral crash analysis can be divided into two steps. The first step is a structure deformation phase by MDB (Moving Deformable Barrier) or the pole. The second step is a dummy interaction phase when a dummy contacts against a door trim and a side air bag. Occupant behavior and injury is affected more by the deformation and the impact velocity. The deformation and velocity data of the vehicle structure can be obtained from crash simulation. They can be transferred to as MADYMO input data. MADYMO can adjust the data to make dummy injury more correlated. In this case, to have a more correlated MADYMO model, PSM (Prescribed Structural Motion) data, which has the positions of all nodes at every time step, should be pertinently adjusted. Two methods are proposed in adjusting the structure behavior. One is to scale time of the structure intrusion, another is to scale displacement of the structure intrusion at every time step. These methods will help to reduce difference between physical test results and occupant CAE analysis results of dummy injury. This study shows better correlated injuries under US LINCAP Barrier conditions.