The Society for Computer Applications in Radiology

T HE SYMPOSIUM for Computer Assisted Radiology (S/CAR '92) will be held in Baltimore, June 14 to 17, 1992, at the Omni Hotel. In addition to the 15 sessions of proffered papers, there will be three invited sessions, covering current activities of the Veterans Administration, Public Health Service, and the Medical Diagnostic Imaging Support system of the Department of Defense. The four tutorial presentations are truly outstanding. Steve Horii and Dean Bidgood will presenta tutorial on the Digital Image Communication (DICOM) Standard, under development by the American College of Radiology and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Robert Phillips and Roger Schneider will discuss government regulation of medical software, a n d a review of the elements of digital imaging will be presented by Steve Fritz and Derek Nye. Finally, Eliot Siegel and Harold Glass will discuss how to specify a picture archiving and communications system request for proposals. The meeting will also include exhibits, demonstrations, a n d a social program, including ah evening reception to be held in Baltimore's world-class acquarium in the Inner Harbor area near the conference hotel. Although advance registration is encouraged, on-site registration for the meeting will be available. The handbook Understanding PACS is now available and copies may be ordered from the SCAR office. This review of the basics of picture archiving and communications systems is useful in informing radiologists, referring physicians, and administrators about the scope and benefits of these systems. Those SCAR members associated with industry may want to buy multiple copies and have them available to give to customers. SCAR extends compliments to the Technology Forum members, under the leadership of Ronald Schilling, for a fine job of writing and editing the booklet. The membership should be aware that SCAR will participate in a number of projects associated with the infoRAD exhibit at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in November. Members will be invited to participate in a variety of ways, from both a clinical radiology anda vendor standpoint.