주택재개발사업의 수익성 결정요인 및 예측
Many housing redevelopment projects have been suspended due to lack of profitability in large cities such as Susan. It comes down to deserted houses in the center of the city, which might raise another social problems. In order to avoid this matter, this study aims to find out profitability determinants and develop a profitability forecasting model of housing redevelopment projects. The results of this study ranked the factors affect profitability as follows, in order of importance; city, highest story number, the apartment price, floor area ration and average area of landholding for person. It also showed that the profitability of already-finished-projects in Susan and Gwangju was comparatively lower than in Seoul and Incheon. In addition, the discriminant model in this study, which has 86 percent accuracy rate, predicted that the not-started-projects in Susan are not very profitable compared to Seoul; less than 25 percent in Susan and above 25 percent in Seoul, respectively. In conclusion, this study suggests that the government had better develop a countermeasure to solve this problem.