Probit 분석을 이용한 OO유도탄 신뢰도 분석 및 활용방안

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to propose useful suggestions by analyzing reliability of guided missile using field data in Military industry. Methods: The collected data from Defense industry company and the military were analyzed using probit analysis which is non-linear model because field data contain binary variable. Results: The results of this study are as follows; It was found that the effect of time was significant. It takes about 12.4 years when 10st percentile of guided missiles are not working and it takes about 18.6 years when 50st percentile of guided missiles are not working. It was found that period between 10years to 15years comes less than reliability 0.0. Conclusion: Periodical check needs to extend from 4 year to 10 year partially. Early LOT need to check per 4 year and follow-up LOT extend the period of check to 10 year by reflecting the result of reliability.