Physical model of photostimulated luminescence of x‐ray irradiated BaFBr:Eu2+

A dynamical model of the temporal dependence of photostimulated luminescence of the storage phosphor BaFBr:Eu2+ as a result of preceeding x‐ray irradiation is presented. The model is based on a monomolecular recombination mechanism. The commonly used bimolecular mechanism leads to contradictions with experimental observations. The monomolecular recombination is explained by the existence of a photostimulable luminescence complex with a recombination center and an electron trap in close proximity. Charge transfer after optical excitation occurs through tunneling. The simulation of the transient charge carrier dynamics is performed through rate equations. Good agreement wih experimentally determined temporal responses for different x‐ray doses applied and stimulating light intensities is obtained.