State‐of‐the‐art and progress in the optimization‐based simultaneous design and control for chemical processes

Significant progress in the area of simultaneous design and control for chemical processes has been achieved and various methodologies have been put forward to address this issue over the last several decades. These methods can be classified in two categories (1) controllability indicator-based frameworks that are capable of screening alternative designs, and (2) optimization-based frameworks that integrate the process design and control system design. The major objective is to give an up-to-date review of the state-of-the-art and progress in the challenging area of optimization-based simultaneous design and control. First, motivations and significances of simultaneous design and control are illustrated. Second, a general classification of existing methodologies of optimization-based simultaneous design and control is outlined. Subsequently, the mathematical formulations and relevant theoretical solution algorithms, their merits, strengths and shortcomings are highlighted. Last, based on the recent advances in this field, challenges and future research directions are discussed briefly. An attempt is made with the help of this review article to stimulate further research and disseminate the simultaneous design methods to challenging problem areas. In particular, the application of optimization-based simultaneous design and control methods to large-scale systems with highly inherent nonlinear dynamics often the case in industrial chemical processes remains a challenging task and yet to be solved. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 58: 1640–1659, 2012

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