Tuning the characteristics of surface plasmon polariton nanolasers by tailoring the dispersion relation

Nanolasers with ultra-compact footprint are able to provide high intensity coherent light, which have various potential applications in high capacity signal processing, biosensing, and sub-wavelength imaging. Among various nanolasers, those lasers with cavities surrounded with metals have shown to have superior light emission properties due to the surface plasmon effect providing better field confinement capability and allowing exotic light-matter interaction. In this talk, we report robust ultraviolet ZnO nanolaser by using silver (Ag) [1] and aluminum (Al) [2] to strongly shrink the mode volume. The nanolasers operated at room temperature and even high temperature (353K) shows several distinct features including an extremely small mode volume, large Purcell factor and group index. Comparison of characteristics between Ag- and Al-based will also be made.