This study examined the structures and the elastic and viscous properties of human scleral collagen fibrils by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Sample preparation was performed to minimize the sources of artifacts for further imaging. To observe the morphological and property characteristics of human scleral surfaces, AFM was used as a microscopic tool. The AFM topography, phase shift and deflection images of the dehydrated scleral collagen fibrils were obtained. The visco-elasticity of collagen fibrils was determined from the force-distance curves of the AFM. Inspection of the fibril surface in high resolution showed that the D-period spacing along the collagen fibrils was clearly evident. The fibril diameter over a scan size of 5 x 5 microm2 was 145.22 +/- 17.78 nm (n = 178) ranging from 98 to 220 nm, and the D-periodicity was 69.14 +/- 14.15 nm (n = 189), which is similar to the normal 67 nm D-periodicity. Force-distance analysis indicated that human scleral collagen had comparatively high adhesion force and elasticity, to protect the eye from external trauma and to withstand the expansive force made by the intraocular pressure.