Foreword by Ben Shneiderman Introduction: A Moving Target: The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction, Jonathan Grudin Humans in HCI Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Some Implications for Human-Computer Interaction, Timothy N. Welsh, Sanjay Chandrasekharan, Matthew Ray, Heather Neyedli, Romeo Chua, and Daniel J. Weeks Human Information Processing: An Overview for Human-Computer Interaction, Robert W. Proctor and Kim-Phuong L. Vu Mental Models in Human-Computer Interaction, Stephen J. Payne Task Loading and Stress in Human-Computer Interaction: Theoretical Frameworks and Mitigation Strategies, James L. Szalma, Gabriella M. Hancock, and Peter A. Hancock Choices and Decisions of Computer Users, Anthony Jameson Computers in HCI Input Technologies and Techniques, Ken Hinckley and Daniel Wigdor Sensor- and Recognition-Based Input for Interaction, Andrew D. Wilson Visual Displays, Christopher M. Schlick, Carsten Winkelholz, Martina Ziefle, and Alexander Mertens Haptic Interface, Hiroo Iwata Nonspeech Auditory and Crossmodal Output, Eve Hoggan and Stephen Brewster Network-Based Interaction, Alan Dix Wearable Computers, Daniel Siewiorek, Asim Smailagic, and Thad Starner Design of Fixed, Portable, and Mobile Information Devices, Michael J. Smith and Pascale Carayon Designing Human-Computer Interactions Visual Design Principles for Usable Interfaces: Everything Is Designed: Why We Should Think before Doing, Suzanne Watzman and Margaret Re Globalization, Localization, and Cross-Cultural User-Interface Design, Aaron Marcus and Emilie W. Gould Speech and Language Interfaces, Applications, and Technologies, Clare-Marie Karat, Jennifer Lai, Osamuyimen Stewart, and Nicole Yankelovich Multimedia User Interface Design, Alistair Sutcliffe Multimodal Interfaces, Sharon Oviatt Systems That Adapt to Their Users, Anthony Jameson and Krzysztof Z. Gajos Mobile Interaction Design in the Age of Experience Ecosystems, Marco Susani Tangible User Interfaces, Hiroshi Ishii and Brygg Ullmer Achieving Psychological Simplicity: Measures and Methods to Reduce Cognitive Complexity, John C. Thomas and John T. Richards Information Visualization, Stuart Card Collaboration Technologies, Gary M. Olson and Judith S. Olson Human-Computer Interaction and the Web, Helen Ashman, Declan Dagger, Tim Brailsford, James Goulding, Declan O'Sullivan, Jan-Felix Schmakeit, and Vincent Wade Human-Centered Design of Decision-Support Systems, Philip J. Smith, Roger Beatty, Caroline C. Hayes, Adam Larson, Norman D. Geddes, and Michael C. Dorneich Online Communities, Panayiotis Zaphiris, Chee Siang Ang, and Andrew Laghos Virtual Environments, Kay M. Stanney and Joseph V. Cohn Privacy, Security, and Trust: Human-Computer Interaction Challenges and Opportunities at Their Intersection, John Karat, Clare-Marie Karat, and Carolyn Brodie Application-/Domain-Specific Design Human-Computer Interaction in Health Care, Francois Sainfort, Julie A. Jacko, Molly A. McClellan, and Paula J. Edwards Why We Play: Affect and the Fun of Games-Designing Emotions for Games, Entertainment Interfaces, and Interactive Products, Nicole Lazzaro Motor Vehicle-Driver Interfaces, Paul A. Green Human-Computer Interaction in Aerospace, Steven J. Landry User-Centered Design in Games Randy J. Pagulayan, Kevin Keeker, Thomas Fuller, Dennis Wixon, Ramon L. Romero, and Daniel V. Gunn Designing for Diversity Older Adults and Information Technology: Opportunities and Challenges, Sara J. Czaja, and Chin Chin Lee Human-Computer Interaction for Kids, Amy Bruckman, Alisa Bandlow, Jill Dimond, and Andrea Forte Information Technology for Communication and Cognitive Support, Alan F. Newell, Alex Carmichael, Peter Gregor, Norman Alm, Annalu Waller, Vicki L. Hanson, Graham Pullin, and Jesse Hoey Perceptual Impairments: New Advancements Promoting Technological Access, Julie A. Jacko, V. Kathlene Leonard, Molly A. McClellan, and Ingrid U. Scott Universal Accessibility and Low-Literacy Populations: Implications for Human-Computer Interaction Design and Research Methods, William M. Gribbons Computing Technologies for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users, Vicki L. Hanson The Development Process Section A Requirements Specification User Experience Requirements Analysis within the Usability Engineering Lifecycle, Deborah J. Mayhew and Todd J. Follansbee Task Analysis, Catherine Courage, Jhilmil Jain, Janice (Ginny) Redish, and Dennis Wixon Contextual Design, Karen Holtzblatt Grounded Theory Method in Human-Computer Interaction and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Michael J. Muller and Sandra Kogan An Ethnographic Approach to Design, Jeanette Blomberg and Mark Burrell Section B Design and Development Putting Personas to Work: Employing User Personas to Focus Product Planning, Design, and Development, John Pruitt and Tamara Adlin Prototyping Tools and Techniques, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon and Wendy E. Mackay Scenario-Based Design, Mary Beth Rosson and John M. Carroll Participatory Design: The Third Space in Human-Computer Interaction, Michael J. Muller and Allison Druin Unified User Interface Development: A Software Refactoring Perspective, Anthony Savidis and Constantine Stephanidis Usability + Persuasiveness + Graphic Design = eCommerce User Experience, Deborah J. Mayhew Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering for User Interface Plasticity, Joelle Coutaz and Gaelle Calvary Section C Testing, Evaluation, and Technology Transfer Usability Testing, Joseph S. Dumas and Jean E. Fox Usability for Engaged Users: The Naturalistic Approach to Evaluation, David Siegel Survey Design and Implementation in HCI, A. Ant Ozok Inspection-Based Evaluations, Gilbert Cockton, Alan Woolrych, Kasper Hornbaek, and Erik Frokjaer Model-Based Evaluation, David Kieras Spreadsheet Tool for Simple Cost-Benefit Analyses of User Experience Engineering, Deborah J. Mayhew Technology Transfer, Kevin M. Schofield Emerging Phenomena in HCI Augmenting Cognition in HCI: Twenty-First Century Adaptive System Science and Technology, Kelly S. Hale, Kay M. Stanney, and Dylan D. Schmorrow Social Networks and Social Media, Molly A. McClellan, Julie A. Jacko, Francois Sainfort, and Layne M. Johnson Human-Computer Interaction for Development: Changing Human-Computer Interaction to Change the World, Susan M. Dray, Ann Light, Andrew M. Dearden, Vanessa Evers, Melissa Densmore, Divya Ramachandran, Matthew Kam, Gary Marsden, Nithya Sambasivan, Thomas Smyth, Darelle van Greunen, and Niall Winters Author Index Subject Index
Earl R. Babbie,et al.
Survey Research Methods
Allen Newell,et al.
Computer text-editing: An information-processing analysis of a routine cognitive skill
Cognitive Psychology.
Allen Newell,et al.
The psychology of human-computer interaction
Daniel R. Gross.
Time Allocation: A Tool For the Study of Cultural Behavior
Jeanette Blomberg,et al.
The variable impact of computer technologies on the organization of work activities
CSCW '86.
J. Clifford,et al.
Writing culture : the poetics and politics of ethnography : a School of American Research advanced seminar
S. Harding.
The science question in feminism
James Clifford.
The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art
Colin Potts,et al.
Design of Everyday Things
James Clifford,et al.
The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art.
Richard Bentley,et al.
Ethnographically-informed systems design for air traffic control
CSCW '92.
Tom Rodden,et al.
Moving out from the control room: ethnography in system design
CSCW '94.
W. Neuman,et al.
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Robert J. Anderson,et al.
Representations and Requirements: The Value of Ethnography in System Design
Hum. Comput. Interact..
Francoise Brun-Cottan,et al.
Using video to re-present the user
R. D'Andrade.
The Development of Cognitive Anthropology
Lucy A. Suchman,et al.
Reflections on a Work-Oriented Design Project
Hum. Comput. Interact..
Randall H. Trigg,et al.
Back to work: renewing old agendas for cooperative design
Karen Holtzblatt,et al.
Contextual design
Victor Corral-Verdugo,et al.
Greg Guest,et al.
Using Guttman Scaling to Rank Wealth: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data
John M. Carroll,et al.
Making Use: Scenario-Based Design of Human-Computer Interactions
M. Rouncefield,et al.
Ethnomethodologically Informed Ethnography and Information System Design.
Gregory Stephen Guest.
Shrimp, poverty, and marine resources on the Ecuadorian coast : a multi-level analysis of fishing effort in the Rio Verde estuary
Yrjö Engeström,et al.
Workplace Studies: From individual action to collective activity and back: developmental work research as an interventionist methodology
E. Green,et al.
Can Qualitative Research Produce Reliable Quantitative Findings?
James A. Holstein,et al.
Handbook of Interview Research: Context and Method
Jonathan Grudin,et al.
Ethnography and design
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW).