Simulation and evaluation with energy systems blocks

Abstract By using blocks programmed for each symbol, models using energy systems language can now be computer-simulated directly, by-passing the mathematics, which is done automatically. Energy systems methodology was introduced in 1967 to help aggregate systems overview and connect human verbal thinking to quantitative models constrained by principles of energy and hierarchy. The GENSYS library of symbol blocks for the simulation program EXTEND, when connected on screen, sets up a system of equations and generates output graphs by sending information back and forth between the blocks. The process of programming helped define EMERGY (spelled with an ‘m’), empower and transformity mathematically so that the simulations can plot quantity, flow, EMERGY, empower and transformity. Examples include ecological and economic systems. Blocks and models for elementary teaching use pictorial icons, which help bring systems modeling and simulation to general education without the necessity of writing equations. This paper explains the modeling concepts and how to prepare and use blocks.