Evaluation of Airborne Video Imagery for Distinguishing Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) on the Lower Texas Gulf Coast

Airborne color-infrared (CIR) video imagery was evaluated for mapping black mangrove [ Avicennia germinans (L.) L.] populations on the lower Texas gulf coast. Video imagery of black mangrove sites was obtained in December 1989. Results showed that black mangrove populations had a distinct red signature on the CIR video imagery that could be separated from other vegetation, soil, and water. Computer-based image analyses of the imagery showed that black mangrove populations could be quantified. Airborne video data provides a near-real-time tool for distinguishing and delineating black mangrove communities and should be useful for assessing damage to populations following catastrophic weather events such as freezes and tropical storms. Aerial surveys are also less costly to conduct with video than with photography.