Development of a web-based CT dose calculator: WAZA-ARI.

A web-based computed tomography (CT) dose calculation system (WAZA-ARI) is being developed based on the modern techniques for the radiation transport simulation and for software implementation. Dose coefficients were calculated in a voxel-type Japanese adult male phantom (JM phantom), using the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System. In the Monte Carlo simulation, the phantom was irradiated with a 5-mm-thick, fan-shaped photon beam rotating in a plane normal to the body axis. The dose coefficients were integrated into the system, which runs as Java servlets within Apache Tomcat. Output of WAZA-ARI for GE LightSpeed 16 was compared with the dose values calculated similarly using MIRD and ICRP Adult Male phantoms. There are some differences due to the phantom configuration, demonstrating the significance of the dose calculation with appropriate phantoms. While the dose coefficients are currently available only for limited CT scanner models and scanning options, WAZA-ARI will be a useful tool in clinical practice when development is finalised.