Laser-induced tension to measure the ultimate strength of metals related to the equation of state
The approach to the ultimate strength of metals is determined experimentally. The strength of the materials and the strain rate were determined from the free surface velocity time history, which was measured with an optically recording velocity interferometer system. The dynamic strength was measured at strain rates in the domain of 5.10 6 to 5.10 8 s -1 . The necessary tension to break the metal (spall) and the very high strain rates were achieved using high-powered lasers in nanosecond and picosecond regimes. The measurements at strain rates larger than 10 8 s -1 were achieved for the first time. The ultimate strength of metals was calculated using a realistic wide-range equation of state. Our experiments indicate that under very fast tension processes, the dynamic strength of materials is determined not by the macroscopic defects but by atomic quantum mechanical processes described by the equation of state of the material. The rate of the process is described by the strain rate, and at strain rates higher than 5.10 7 s -1 , the atomic forces are dominating the dynamic strength of materials.