ESD 노이즈 방지 부품 및 회로에 대한 연구

An electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a transfer of energy between two differently charged objects. Because it is an electrical phenomenon, ESD can damage electrical components. ESD is accompanied by intense heat, although humans don"t usually feel it. This heat, however, can cause severe damage to small electrical components when an ESD is focused on them. The electrical pulse which forms the core of an ESD also acts like a power surge on electrical devices, and can short out or permanently damage the system. ESD can cause severe damage to electronics, and for this reason many manufacturers install safeguards to protect against ESD. Moreover, ESD is becoming more important to the mobile devices because there is an icreasing demand recently. However mobile devices are diificult to improve ESD problem because PCB size is small. In this paper, we proposes new ESD protection method to use in mobile devices.