Conversion of the Vibrio fischeriTranscriptional Activator, LuxR, to a Repressor

ABSTRACT The Vibrio fischeri luminescence (lux) operon is regulated by a quorum-sensing system that involves the transcriptional activator (LuxR) and an acyl-homoserine lactone signal. Transcriptional activation requires the presence of a 20-base inverted repeat termed the lux box at a position centered 42.5 bases upstream of the transcriptional start of the lux operon. LuxR has proven difficult to study in vitro. A truncated form of LuxR has been purified, and together with ς70 RNA polymerase it can activate transcription of the lux operon. Both the truncated LuxR and RNA polymerase are required for binding tolux regulatory DNA in vitro. We have constructed an artificial lacZ promoter with the lux box positioned between and partially overlapping the consensus −35 and −10 hexamers of an RNA polymerase binding site. LuxR functioned as an acyl-homoserine lactone-dependent repressor at this promoter in recombinant Escherichia coli. Furthermore, multiplelux boxes on an independent replicon reduced the repressor activity of LuxR. Thus, it appears that LuxR can bind tolux boxes independently of RNA polymerase binding to the promoter region. A variety of LuxR mutant proteins were studied, and with one exception there was a correlation between function as a repressor of the artificial promoter and activation of a nativelux operon. The exception was the truncated protein that had been purified and studied in vitro. This protein functioned as an activator but not as a repressor in E. coli. The data indicate that the mutual dependence of purified, truncated LuxR and RNA polymerase on each other for binding to the lux promoter is a feature specific to the truncated LuxR and that full-length LuxR by itself can bind to lux box-containing DNA.

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