Introduction to special relativity

Part 1 The foundations of special relativity: schematic account of the Michelson - Morley experiment inertial frames in special relativity Einstein's two axioms for special relativity coordinates - the relativity of time derivation of the Lorentz transformation properties of the Lorentz transformation. Part 2 Relativistic kinematics: length contraction the length contraction paradox time dilation the twin paradox velocity transformation. Part 3 Relativistic optics: the drag effect the Doppler effect aberration and the visual appearance of moving objects. Part 4 Spacetime: spacetime and 4-tensors the Minkowski map of spacetime rules for the manipulation of 4-tensors 4-velocity and 4-acceleration wave motion. Part 5 Relativistic particle mechanics: the conservation of 4-momentum the equivalence of mass and energy some 4-momentum identities relativistic billiards the centre of momentum frame threshold energies De Broglie waves photons the angular momentum 4-tensor 3-force and 4-force relativistic analytic mechanics. Part 6 Relativity and electromagnetism: the formal structure of Maxwell's theory transformation of "e" and "b" - the deal field potential and field of an arbitrarily moving charge field of a uniformly moving charge the electromagnetic energy tensor electromagnetic waves. Part 7 Relativistic mechanics of continua: preliminaries external and internal forces the augmented momentum and mass densities the equations of continuity and of motion the mechanical energy tensor perfect fluids and incoherent fluids integral conservation laws. Appendix - tensors for special relativity.